20.06.2023 • 
Leisure and Entertainment

How to Properly Wind Fishing Line onto a Reel?


Fishing is a relaxing and fun activity that requires a lot of patience and skill. One of the essential aspects of fishing is having a correctly wound fishing line. Improperly wound fishing line can tangle or break easily, which can result in a ruined fishing day. In this article, we will discuss the proper ways to wind fishing line onto a reel.

Choosing the Appropriate Fishing Line

Before we learn how to wind fishing line onto a reel, we must first talk about the types of fishing line available. There are mainly three types of fishing line: monofilament, fluorocarbon, and braid. Each type has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


Monofilament is a single strand fishing line made of nylon. It is the most common and affordable type of fishing line. Monofilament is an excellent choice for beginners because it is easy to handle and knot.


Fluorocarbon fishing line is made of advanced materials that make it almost invisible underwater. It is more expensive than monofilament, but it is less visible underwater, making it ideal for fishing in clear water.


Lastly, the braid is a braided fishing line made of synthetic fibers. It is the strongest type of fishing line and offers excellent sensitivity. However, it is tough to handle because it has no stretch and can create backlashes if not wound correctly.

Steps to Wind Fishing Line onto a Reel

Once you have chosen the appropriate fishing line, you are now ready to wind it onto your reel. Here are the steps in winding fishing line onto your reel correctly:

Step 1: Thread the Line through the Guides

Thread the line through the guides on your rod, starting from the tip, and work your way down towards the reel. Ensure that the line is sitting correctly on each guide to prevent tangles.

Step 2: Attach the Line to the Reel

Attach the line to the reel by tying a knot to the reel's spool or looping it around the spool and securing it with a knot.

Step 3: Place the Spool on a Flat Surface

Place the spool of fishing line on a flat surface, such as a table or the ground, with the label side facing up.

Step 4: Wind the Fishing Line onto the Reel

Slowly crank the reel handle to wind the fishing line onto the spool. Ensure that the line is filling the spool evenly and not twisting or bunching up.

Step 5: Add Tension to the Line

Add tension to the line by pulling it slightly as it winds onto the spool. This will ensure that the line stays tight and prevents tangling.

Step 6: Fill the Reel to Within an Eighth of an Inch

Fill the reel with fishing line to within an eighth of an inch from the edge of the spool. This will allow enough reserve line for casting and prevent it from tangling.


  1. What is the best type of fishing line for beginners?
  2. Monofilament is the best type of fishing line for beginners because it is easy to handle and knot.

  3. Should I add tension to the line while winding it onto the spool?
  4. Yes, adding tension to the line while winding it onto the spool ensures that the line stays tight and prevents tangling.

  5. How full should I fill the reel with fishing line?
  6. You should fill the reel to within an eighth of an inch from the edge of the spool to allow enough reserve line and prevent tangling.

  7. Why does the type of fishing line matter?
  8. The type of fishing line matters because it affects your fishing experience. The wrong type of fishing line can lead to tangling, breaking, or poor casting performance.

  9. How can I prevent a fishing line from twisting while winding it onto the reel?
  10. One way to prevent the fishing line from twisting while winding it onto the reel is to place the spool of fishing line on a flat surface with the label side facing up.


Winding fishing line onto a reel correctly is crucial because it can affect your fishing experience. We hope that this article has helped you learn how to wind fishing line onto a reel and choose the appropriate type of fishing line. Remember to choose the right fishing line, add tension to the line while winding it onto the spool, and fill the reel to the correct level. With these tips, you can now enjoy a successful and enjoyable fishing trip.

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