16.12.2021 • 

#1 (-4) + 1x^{2} + 3x + 4 #2 2(2^{2} +4) – (2+3) + 10
#3 16+6^{2} (25-6x2)-(14+2^{3} )
#4 2^{2} +7(2^{3} +4^{2} )+4^{1} -3^{0}
#5 If you take ½ of ½ of a pizza, will you have more or less than ¼ of a pizza?
Selby’s morning routine involves getting dressed, eating breakfast, making her bed, and driving to work. Selby spends 14 of the total time in the morning getting dressed, 10 minutes eating breakfast, 5 minutes making her bed, and the remaining time driving to work. If Nancy spends 3512 minutes getting dressed, eating breakfast, and making her bed, how long is her drive to work?
#6 At Prairie Elementary School, students are asked to pick their lunch ahead of time so the kitchen staff will know what to prepare. On Monday, 5 times as many students chose hamburgers as chose salads. The number of students who chose lasagna was twice the number of students who chose salads. If 500 students ordered lunch, how many students chose each option if hamburger, salad, and lasagna were the only three options?
#8 Answer
#7 Jill ordered 15 pizzas for a party. After the party she had 1/5 of the pizzas left. Before she put the pizzas away, her dog got into the leftovers and ate 25% of the remaining pizzas. Jill ate 5 slices of the leftover pizza for breakfast the next day. If each pizza had 12 slices and Jill threw away the remaining pizza, how many pizza slices did Jill throw away?

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