24.01.2021 • 

1.Estimate how many minutes you talk on your cell phone every month________(you can randomly pick) 2. Which plan above do you think will result in the cheapest plan for you? Why do you think so?(first picture) the plan I chose is:_____________. a) fill in table 2 below using the cost of your plan.(the second picture) 3.RATE OF CHANGE and SLOPE.a) Every time you use 1 more minute of talk time, how much does that cost? b)So,why is your rate of change(change in cost/change in minutes talked) 4. Intial vaule and y-intercept a)how much does your plan cost even if you don’t use any minutes? b)So what is your intial value (b)?5. Equation of the line (y=mx+b) a)Knowing the value of m and b you found above,write the equation of your line:6.Fill in the table below for each of the plans *you may need to use a piece of paper to calculate the missing information(third picture)

1.Estimate how many minutes you talk on your cell phone every month________(you can randomly pick)
1.Estimate how many minutes you talk on your cell phone every month________(you can randomly pick)
1.Estimate how many minutes you talk on your cell phone every month________(you can randomly pick)

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