26.09.2020 • 

1) Solve the equation. 2(3x+5)=46 2) Solve the equation. 1/2x+1/4x=16

3) Solve the equation. 6-x-x=18

4) Solve the equation. 4x-3/5=2/5

5) Solve the equation. x-13+4x=22

6) Solve the equation. -36=-6(2x-14)

7) Solve the equation. 2+x/-10=2/5

8) You are ordering pizzas for a birthday party and getting them delivered to your house. You order 12 pepperoni pizzas, 8 cheese pizzas, and 4 Hawaiian pizzas. There is a delivery fee of $5.50. If your total comes to $184.54, how much was each pizza? Assume that all types of pizza cost the same amount.

please help. it would honestly mean the world to me. :)))

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