11.02.2020 • 

1. What is the solution to the equation?

x + 17 = 55

A. no solution

B. infinite solutions

C. x = 72

D. x = 38

2. Is an attachment

3. Is an attachment

4. Is an attachment

5. Is an attachment

6. Is an attachment

7. What is the soloution of the equation 8 5/6 = x + 5 1/3

8. Solve the given equation.
y + 18 = 27
y = __

9. Solve the given equation.
62.52 = 27.39t
t = ___

1. What is the solution to the equation? x + 17 = 55 A. no solution B. infinite solutions C. x = 72
1. What is the solution to the equation? x + 17 = 55 A. no solution B. infinite solutions C. x = 72
1. What is the solution to the equation? x + 17 = 55 A. no solution B. infinite solutions C. x = 72
1. What is the solution to the equation? x + 17 = 55 A. no solution B. infinite solutions C. x = 72
1. What is the solution to the equation? x + 17 = 55 A. no solution B. infinite solutions C. x = 72

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