09.03.2021 • 

1. Write the 4.5 miles in 1.5 hr ratio as the unit rate. * 1 point
there is no unit rate to be determined
2. Write the unit rate for typing 13 words in 1/4 minute. *
1 point
3. What ratios will make relationship proportional? *
1 point
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16/22 and 17/23
16/22 and 24/33
4. The old sand box (6 ft wide and 17 ft long) will be replaced proportionally larger sand box. What are possible dimensions of the new box?
1 point
6 ft by 34 ft or 6 ft by 12 ft
18 ft by 51 ft or 24 ft by 68 ft
17 ft by 6 ft or 34 ft by 12 ft
5. Calculate the unit rate. *
1 point
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144 ft / 3s
48 s in 3 ft
48 ft in 3 s
6 - 7. Calculate the unit rate. *
1 point
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54 mi per hr
53 mi per hr
52 mi per hr
7 - 7. The car covered 752 mile in 14 hours. What statement can describe the last hour change? *
1 point
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The car keeps the same speed and travels proportionally.
The car reduced the speed and the mileage is not proportional to hours
The car increased the speed and the mileage is not proportional to hours
8. Which of the following situations indicates the better buy? *
1 point
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15 gallons of gas for $52 is slightly cheaper
7 gallons of gas for $24.50 is less expensive
there is no better buy between these two offers
9. Which of the following situations indicates the better buy? *
1 point
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2 sweatshirts for $60
10 sweatshirts for $320
10. There are two rooms on the floor. What statement describes how the dimensions are related?
2 points
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The dimensions are not proportional because 10+16 is not equal to 15+24
The dimensions are not proportional because 24 cannot be evenly divided by 16
The dimensions are proportional because 24/16 = 15/10
The dimensions are proportional because 15/1 is the unit rate for the areas

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