19.07.2019 • 

;-; 10. you have a part-time job that pays $4.70/hr and average tips are $3.85/hr. your deductions are fica (7.65%), federal tax withholding (12.3%), and state tax withholding (8.2%). you work 13 hr/week. how much is your realized income each week? 11. you invest $1,050.00, buying stock in a company. the shares increase in value by 13% the first year and increases by 13% again the second year. how much is the total value of your stocks in the second year? invest $2,000.00 in a stock plan and another $2,000.00 in a savings account. the stock plan decreases by 7% the first year and gains 10% the second year. the savings account earns a 3.7% apr and compounds annually. how much is the total value of your stocks after 2 years? what is the balance in your savings account after 2 years? 13. your parents are renting an apartment for you when you go away to college. an annual contract is $502.00/month. the

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