02.12.2020 • 

12 + 20x<4+ 22 Which word problem could the inequality represent?

At gym A there is a startup fee of $12, and each month costs $20 At gym B, the startup foo is 4, but each month costs $22. Alter which numbers of months would gym be more expense
Sasha deposits $4 and adds 522 every week George deposits 512 and adds $10 every 2 weeks Aher which numbers of weeks will Sasha have saved more than George?
c Plan Acharges 12C for the first minute of an international call and 200 for each additional minute, while plan B charges 4c for the first minute and 220 for each additional manute which a
times, in minutes, make plan B more expensive?
DWu and Liam start driving from the same point Alter mile marker 4, Wu stops to rest every 22 miles, while atter mile marker 12. Liam stops to rest every 20 miles if they arrive at the same
destination will Wu have made more stops?

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