13.11.2020 • 

16) Mrs. Mamie wants to travel 390 miles on a highway. She drives 130 miles in 2 hours. If she has 7 hours to travel at that rate, will she arrive at her destination on time? Explain. 17) You can buy 5 cans of green beans at the Village Market for $2.60. You can buy 10 of the same cans of beans at Sam’s Club for $7.70. Which place is the better buy? Explain.

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5) Benjamin wants to buy a video game that costs $24, but he only wants to spend 40% of his savings. How much must Benjamin save in order to buy the game?

There are 60 members in a music club. 25% of them like jazz, 15% of them like pop music, 20% of them like rock music and 50% of the rest like classical music. How many members enjoyed classical music?

A total of 48 students sat for a mathematics examination. Only 75% of them passed. How many students passed the examination?

During an election, Albert received 60% of the 30 votes cast. Anthony received the remaining votes. How many more votes did Albert receive?

Six people can pack 1500 boxes in 4 days. At the same rate, how many boxes can eight people pack in 6 days?

If 5 workers complete one task in 7 days, then how many days will 7 workers take to complete the same task?

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