29.10.2020 • 

2. A delivery service charges a fuel surcharge whenever the price of gasoline exceeds
$4.00 per gallon. The surcharge is 45% of the amount over $4.00 for each gallon of
gasoline used. The current price of gasoline is $4.32 per gallon. If the price of the
delivery service is $6.95 and driver uses 5.25 gallons of gasoline for the delivery, what is
the total charged for the delivery?
3. Avery Johnson owns a graphic design fimm. He must price a job for a client. The labor
cost is $4.053 and the material cost is $605. A 15% markup is added to the costs. Sales
tax of 6.25% must be added to the materials cost. What is the total price Avery must
quote to the customer?

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