10.12.2021 • 

2 fish size (in centimeters)
Aquarium 1
Aquarium 2
fish group
21) Jake set up an experiment. He set two aquariums with five fish of the same type and size. Aquarium one was very small, only one cubic
foot. Aquarium 2 was very large at 10 cubic feet. Each day the fish were fed the same amount of food and vitamins, at the end of 5 months
Jake measured the fish by length. His results are shown in the bar graph above.
What might be the question lake is asking in his experiment?
A) What fish food cost the most?
B) What fish food makes fish grow faster?
Does aquarium size affect growth rate of the fish?
What type of fish fooddo-fish-tie-the best?


fish size (in centimeters)
Aquarium 1
Aquarium 2
fish group
21) Jake set up an experiment. He

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