23.03.2021 • 

2. Use your inequality from Question 1 and let h = 27 cm. Is this value of h a valid solution to the inequality? Explain. question 1 my answer and the question:1. The area of this rectangle is at most 400 square centimeters. Write and solve an inequality to represent the possible values for the height, h, for this triangle. Show all steps of your work.
1ft≤h≤25ft the area of a rectangle is expressed as;
Area = Length * height
A = Lh
If the area of a rectangle is at most 400 square centimeters, this is expressed as;
A ≤400
≤ means at most that is the area of the rectangle cannot be greater than 400
Substitute the given value into the inequality expression
Lh ≤ 400
L = 16
16h ≤ 400
Divide both sides by 16
16h/16 ≤ 400/16
h ≤ 400/16
h ≤ 25
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