4. the eco-marathon is an annual competition sponsored by shell oil, in which participants build special vehicles to achieve the highest possible fuel efficiency. the eco-marathon is held around the world with events in the united kingdom, finland, france, holland, japan, and the united states. a world record was set in the eco-marathon by a french team in 2003 called microjoule with a performance of 10,705 miles per gallon. the microjoule runs on ethanol, which has a specific gravity of 0.789. write a matlab program to determine how far the microjoule will travel in kilometers given a user-specified amount of ethanol, provided in units of grams. your program should ask for the mass using an input statement and display the distance in a formatted sentence similar to the output shown below. sample input/output enter mass of ethanol [grams): 100 the distance the microjoule traveled is 577 kilometers.

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