11.12.2020 • 

89 POINTS/PLS DO You have been asked to make snack mix for a school event. Below are the main ingredients for two popular recipes. The amounts are for 1 serving.

Nutty Snack Mix
3/8 ounce almonds
1/4 ounce peanuts

Granola Snack mix
3/4 ounce granola
1/2 ounce dried fruit

Below is information about bulk products you can buy at the local market.
•Almonds cost $9 per pound. •The price of peanuts is $6 per pound.
•Granola costs $5.25 per pound. Take 10% off the total cost if you buy more than 2 pounds.
•The price of mixed dried fruit is $5 per pound. The total number of guests has not yet been determined, but you need to get some estimates of what the costs might be.

Choose which recipe to make and explain why you made this choice.

Find the amounts of ingredients needed for 25, 50, 100, 150, and 200 servings.

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