12.08.2020 • 

A group of 120 seventh- and eighth-grade students were asked whether they participate in sports or in non–sports-related activities. The two-way table shows their answers. Participation in Sports or Non-Sports

A 4-column table with 3 rows. The first column has no label with entries seventh grade, eighth grade, total. The second column is labeled sports with entries 39, 29, 68. The third column is labeled non-sports with entries 24, 28, 52. The fourth column is labeled total with entries 63, 57, 120.
Which statement is correct?

Twenty-nine seventh-grade students chose a sports activity.
Twenty-eight eighth-grade students chose a sports activity.
Twenty-four seventh-grade students chose a non-sports activity.
Thirty-nine eighth-grade students chose a non-sports activity.

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