06.05.2020 • 

A group of students estimated the length of one minute without reference to a watch or clock, and the times (seconds) are listed below. Use a 0.010.01 significance level to test the claim that these times are from a population with a mean equal to 60 seconds. Does it appear that students are reasonably good at estimating one minute? 8080 9292 4949 7373 5353 3131 6868 6969 7575 5555 7373 7777 101101 100100 7777 What are the null and alternative hypotheses? A. Upper H 0H0: muμequals=6060 seconds Upper H 1H1: muμnot equals≠6060 seconds B. Upper H 0H0: muμnot equals≠6060 seconds Upper H 1H1: muμequals=6060 seconds C. Upper H 0H0: muμequals=6060 seconds Upper H 1H1: muμless than<6060 seconds D. Upper H 0H0: muμequals=6060 seconds Upper H 1H1: muμgreater than>6060 seconds Determine the test statistic. nothing (Round to two decimal places as needed.) Determine the P-value. nothing (Round to three decimal places as needed.) State the final conclusion that addresses the original claim. ▼ Fail to reject Reject Upper H 0H0. There is ▼ sufficient not sufficient evidence to conclude that the original claim that the mean of the population of estimates is 6060 seconds ▼ is not is correct. It ▼ does not appear appears that, as a group, the students are reasonably good at estimating one minute.

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