09.02.2021 • 

A modified roulette wheel has 32 slots. one slot is 0, another is 00, and the others are numbered 1 through 30, respectively. You are placing a bet that the outcome is an odd number. (In roulette, 0 and 00 are neither odd nor even.)<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> a. What is your probability of winning ?

The probability of winnign is ?

( type an integer or a simplified fraction)

b. What are the actual odds against winning are ?

c. When you bet that the outcome is an odd number, the payoff odds are 1:1. How much profit do you make if you bet $17 and win ?

If you win, the pay off is ?

d. How much profit should you make on the $17 bet if you could somehow convice the casino to change its payoff odds so that they are the same as the actual odds against winning ?

(rounds to the nearest cent as needed.)Type your question here

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