19.03.2021 • 

A petri dish is a small, shallow dish of thin glass or plastic, used especially for cultures in bacteriology. A 2-inch-radius petri dish, containing nutrients upon which bacteria can multiply, is smeared with a uniform suspension of bacteria. Subsequently, spots indicating colonies of bacteria appear. The distance of the center of the first spot to appear from the center of the petri dish is a variable with density curve y= x/2 for 0 < x <2 and y=0 otherwise. a. Graph the density curve of this variable.
b. Show that the area under this density curve to the left of any number x between 0 and 2 equals x2/4.
c. What percentage of the time is the distance of the center of the first spot to appear from the center of the petri dish

1. at most 1 inch?
2. between 0.25 inch and 1.5 inches?
3. more than 0.75 inch?

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