25.10.2021 • 

A recent study of 750 Internet users in Europe found that 35% of Internet users were women. What is the 95% confidence interval estimate for the true proportion of women in Europe who use the Internet? a. .321 < p < .379
b. .309 < p < .391
c. .343 < p < .357
d. .349 < p < .351
e. .316 < p < .384

Formula to use:
p ± /2 ( √ p•q ⁄n)

See photo for formula!

Note: I know to get P it’s x ⁄n
Making it .35 ÷ 750, my calculator is giving me .00046
And to get q it’s 1-p (1-.00046) giving me .999
The confidence level 95% is 1.96

When I plug everything in for the formula I’m getting an error on my calculator so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong

A recent study of 750 Internet users in Europe found that 35% of Internet users were women. What is

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