12.02.2020 • 

A study of crowdfunded projects showed that 54.21% weresuccessful, that is, raised at least the targeted goal amount. In an effort to identify network dynamics that influence success, projects were subdivided into projects of owners who had backed other projects before, during or after creating their project(owners with backing history) and projects of owners without backing history, with the accompanying results. Complete parts(a) through (c) belowa. Construct contingency tables based on totalpercentages, row percentages, and column percentages. Complete the following contingency table based on total percentages.b. Which type of percentagelong dash—row,column, ortotallong dash—is most informative for thesedata?A. Row percentages are most informative, since they allow the direct comparison of project success for the two types of backing history.B. Column percentages are most informative, since they show the success rate for each type of owner.C. Total percentages are most informative, since the goal is to find a pattern in the overall distribution of successful projects.c. What conclusions concerning the pattern of successful crowdfunded projects can you reach? Select all that apply.A. No conclusion can be reached because the size of this sample is too small.B. The majority of projects with backing history were unsuccessful.C. Of the successful projects, more did not have a backing history than did.D. Projects whose owners had a backing history were more likely to scceed than projects whose owners had no backing history

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