14.04.2022 • 

About 50 cane toads were introduced into Australia in 1935 to try to control the population of beetles that destroy sugar cane plants. By 2005, there were an estimated 100,000,000 cane toads in Australia. An exponential function that models the number of female cane toads in Australia t years after 1935 is given by f(t)=50(1.23)t . a. Write a linear function p that models the number of cane toads in Australia t years after 1935. p(t)=
b. Describe the parameters in the exponential function, , in terms of the context of the problem.
c. Describe the parameters in the linear function, p , in terms of the context of the problem.
Question 4 d. Which model do you think is more appropriate to model the female cane toad population? Use the parameters of the functions to justify your reasoning. Linear or exponential?
Predict the population of female cane toads in Australia in 2000 based on each function. The linear function predicts that there would be ___ female cane toads in 2000. The exponential function predicts that there would be ___ female cane toads in 2000.

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