28.01.2020 • 

Abox contains 15 resistors. ten of them are labeled 50 ω and the other five are labeled 100 ω.

what is the probability that the first resistor is 100ω?

what is the probability that the second resistor is 100 ω, given that the first resistor is 50 ω?

what is the probability that the second resistor is 100 ω, given that the first resistor is 100 ω?

refer to exercise 3. resistors are randomly selected from the box, one by one, until a 100 ω resistor is selected.

what is the probability that the first two resistors are both 50ω?

what is the probability that a total of two resistors are selected from the box?

what is the probability that more than three resistors are selected from the box?

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