18.09.2019 • 

Amajor home improvement store conducted its biggest brand recognition campaign in the company's history. a series of new television advertisements featuring well-known entertainers and sports figures were launched. a key metric for the success of television advertisements is the proportion of viewers who "like the ads a lot".in the previous campaigns, the percentage of a typical television advertisement receiving the "like the ads a lot" score has been 22%. company officials want to know if there is evidence that the current advertising campaign of television ads is less successful than the typical series. company officials will close down the ads if they find evidence that the population proportion of "like the ads a lot" for the company's ads is less than 0.22 at a 0.05 level of significance. if company officials find that the population proportion of "like the ads a lot" for the company's ads is equal to or greater than 22%, they will continue the new advertising program. a study of 1,189 adults who viewed the ads reported that 230 indicated that they "like the ads a lot."identify: hypothesized π = n = x = the sample proportion, p, of defective items. the formula for the standard error of a proportion. the standard error of a proportion. the null and alternative hypotheses below.h0: : the critical z or t value(s). (if you use t value(s), indicate the degrees of the acceptance and rejection regions of the diagram to the right.fornulate the decision rule and list your test you accept or reject the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance? your conclusion. should the quality control manage accept the shipment or return a 0.01 level of significance had been used in the test, would you have accepted or rejected the null hypothesis?

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