10.11.2020 • 

An eagle is flying in the air with a mouse in its beak. It drops the mouse and as the mouse drops to the ground it follows the path of a parabola represented by the function h(t) = -16t² + 30. To catch the mouse as it falls, an eagte flies along a path represented by the function h (t) = -8t + 15, where h is the height of the eagle and t is the
time in seconds after the mouse was dropped.
Find the height at which the eagle will catch the mouse.
The eagle will not catch the mouse and the mouse will hit the ground.
The eagle will catch the mouse at 21 feet above the ground.
The eagle will catch the mouse at 10 feet above the ground.
The eagle will catch the mouse 5 feet above the ground.

An eagle is flying in the air with a mouse in its beak. It drops the mouse and as the mouse drops t

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