29.07.2019 • 

Are here: use the consider a relatively
total cost
simple health insurance
plan with the following
se the my
provisions. office visits
feb. 18: office visit
require a co-payment of
$40. emergency room
mar. 26 emergency room $650
then you do as visits have a $200
nswer question co-payment. surgical
operations have a $1,800
apr. 23: office visit
layer when you deductible (the first
nswering ques
$1,800 is paid out of
pocket). the monthly
may 14 surgery
in optimal expe premium is $370. during a
insurance policy
note: some top
animated gifs w the person's health care expenses with the insurance policy are $
(type a whole number)
some questions
b. determine the person's health care expenses for the year without the
hisplay properly insurance policy

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