11.10.2020 • 

B. What is the slope of the line containing the data points? c. What does the slope represent in this problem?
d. What is the y-intercept of the line that contains the data points?
e. What does the y-intercept represent in the context of this problem?
f. Your friend says that he can get a dozen DVD’s from this website for $90.
Is he correct? Explain.
g. How much would it cost to order 50 DVD’s from this website?

There is another website offering movies at a cost of $10 per DVD (including
S&H). Follow the same steps as in #3 in analyzing the cost for DVD’s. Plot the
data points, draw the line, and write an equation. Now compare the results
a. How do the graphs differ?
b. How many movies would you have to rent for the price to be exactly the
same at both sites?
c. What would be the price difference if you bought a dozen movies at each
with those in #3.

B. What is the slope of the line containing the data points?

c. What does the slope represent in
B. What is the slope of the line containing the data points?

c. What does the slope represent in

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