24.09.2020 • 

Be Tanned! is a tanning spa that offers three options for tanning. With Option A, members pay a $35 membership fee per month and $12 per
tanning session. With Option B, members pay $115 per month for unlimited
tanning sessions. With Option C, members pay $1,200 per year for unlimited monthly tanning sessions.
Part A: Write a system of equations that represents the monthly rate for the
three options, where x represents the number of tanning sessions
attended each month.
Part B: Write a reasonable domain for each equation in the system.
Part C: Suppose you are a representative working at Be Tanned! and your
job is to sell memberships and advise your clients on the products
and services that you offer. Under which circumstances would
Option B be less expensive to purchase than Option A and Option
C? When would you recommend Option A and Option C?

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