08.11.2019 • 

Calculate the ratios of surface area to volume. which is higher? consider the following properties of two cubes of different sizes: cube a cube b length = 2 cm length = 5 cm surface area = 24 cm2 surface area = 150 cm2 volume = 8 cm3 volume = 125 cm3 calculate the ratios of surface area to volume. which is higher? cube a, surface area/volume = 8 cm3; cube b, surface area/volume = 125 cm3; b is higher cube a, surface area/volume = 24 cm2; cube b, surface area/volume = 150 cm2; b is higher cube a, surface area/volume = 8: 24; cube b, surface area/volume = 125: 150; b is higher cube a, surface area/volume = 3: 1; cube b, surface area/volume = 1.2: 1; a is higher

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