18.06.2020 • 

Can pleasant smells improve learning? Researchers timed 21 subjects as they tried to complete paper-and-pencil mazes. Each subject attempted a maze both with and without the presence of a floral aroma. Subjects were randomized with respect to whether they did the scented trial first or second. Suppose a paired t-test is to be performed to determine whether there is evidence to indicate that the time to complete the maze is faster in scented trials compared to unscented trials, on average. For what population can a conclusion be made? Time to complete the maze (seconds)
Unscented 30.2 56.7 51.9 32.2 64.8 42.9 42.7 44.8 25.1 59.2
Scented 25.7 41.9 42.4 34.4 64.7 31.4 40.1 43.2 33.9 40.4
A) Type of Test and Requirements: State the question you are investigating and the type of test that is appropriate for the problem along with the Requirements for the type of test you will be performing. Explain how each of the Requirements are met.
B) Hypotheses: Write the Null and Alternative hypothesis both in words and in symbols.
C) Mechanics: Use the Calculator – include in your answer the type of test, values you entered and your results (test statistic, p-value)
D) Conclusion: State your conclusion (include reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis along with your statement in terms of the problem context and the p-value).
E) Confidence Interval: Find the appropriate (depends upon one or two- tailed test) confidence interval that matches the test and significance level for each problem. Explain how the results of the confidence interval support your hypothesis test conclusion in step 4

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