04.08.2019 • 

Cara's unpaid credit card balance is $5392.39. her apr is 13.2%, ad she made one new transaction for $204, what is her new balance a. $5214.39 b. $5442.21 c. $5655.71 d. $6308.19 alex's statement shows a previous balance of $3694.23, a payment of $100 and new transactions totaling $235. his apr is 19.2% a. $2998.64 b. $3081.86 c. $3886.74 d. $3990.50 tom's total payment for his loan was $14,256. he paid it off after making 48 monthly payments, what was his monthly payment? a. $286 b. $297 c. $310 d. $324 bethany will borrow $7400 at 7% apr. she will pay it back over 12 months, what will her monthly payment be? a. $510.43 b. $518.00 c. $659.83 d. $672.17

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