30.12.2020 • 

Congress A survey of U.S. adults found that 11% think that Congress is a good reflection of Americans' views. You randomly select 35 U.S. adults and ask them whether they think that Congress is a good reflection of Americans' views.
Approximating Binomial Probabilities
In Exercises, determine whether you can use a normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution. If you can, use the normal distribution to approximate the indicated probabilities and sketch their graphs. If you cannot, explain why and use a binomial distribution to find the indicated probabilities.
A survey of U.S. adults found that 69% of those who text on cell phones receive spam or unwanted messages. You randomly select 100 U.S. adults who text on cell phones. Find the probability that the number who receive spam or unwanted messages is (a) exactly 70; (b) at least 70, and (c) fewer than 70, and (d) identify any unusual events. Explain.
A survey of U.S. adults found that 67% oppose raising th Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. You randomly select 80 U.S. adult and ask them how they feel about raising the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. Find the probability that the number who oppose raising the age (a) at least 65, (b) exactly 50, and (c) more than 60, and (d) identify; unusual events. Explain.

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