14.05.2021 • 

Consider the initial value problem my''+cy'+ky=F(t), y(0)=0, y'(0)=0, modeling the motion of a spring mass dashpot system initially at rest and subjected to an applied force F(t), where the unit of force is the Newton (N). Assume that m=2 kilograms, c=8 kilograms per second, k=80 Newtons per meter, and F(t)=20 sin(6t) Newtons. 1. Solve the initial value problem. y(t)=?
2. Determine the long term behavior of the system. Is lim as t goes to infinity of y(t)=0? If it is, enter zero. If not, enter a function that approximates y(t) for very large positive values of t. For very large positive values of t, y(t) is approximately.. ?

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