15.10.2020 • 

Copy your nested loop program to a new file, a114_nested_loop_3.py. Modify the algorithm so that the nested loop stamps the turtle using new colors in a left-to-right pattern instead of a top-to-bottom pattern, as shown here. The purple stamps represent the outer loop, the orange stamps the inner. Recall you can use painter.speed(0) to speed up your drawing. The y values should be managed in the outer loop.
y should start at the top or the bottom of your screen, your choice.
x should start on the left side of the screen.
x should change in a positive direction, without exceeding the right edge of the screen.

The image attached is the desired output, or what it should look like in the end.

Make sure the code is in python.

I will give brainliest to whoever answers first

Copy your nested loop program to a new file, a114_nested_loop_3.py. Modify the algorithm so that th

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