15.12.2020 • 

Dear Garden Designer, Shed
I've ordered this shed. It is 2 meters wide, 3.25 meters
long and 2.8 meterstal
I have moved into a house with a smal garden that needs a total redesign
Please design my garden for me. I have attached an accurate scale drawing of my
garden to this emai. I ve listed below some features I want in the garden. I will email
you later about some other things I also want.
To start, please could you draw these features accurately on the plan, showing where
you think they should go in the garden. Send me your plan with an explanation of your
Best wishes,
Decking for barbeques
I want some decking near the patio doors
It should be big enough to seat at least six people
Circular pond
I would like a circular pond.
I'd like its area to be about 7 m.
Path and Borders
I would like some flower borders. These should not be
more than one motor wide as I find wider ones difficult
to look after.
I'd like a gravel path 1 meter wide to go from the shed
to the house and from the garden gate to the house
I will cover the rest with grass

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