01.08.2019 • 

Decide whether each simulation fits the situation it is paired with. liza wants to give her brother a backpack as a gift.she flips a coin to decide whether to buy it online or at a local store. stephen needs to decide which country to write about for his term paper: france, spain, or germany. he uses a random number generator with the numbers 1 through 5. the numbers 1 and 3 stand for france, 2 and 4 for spain, and 5 for germany. lloyd can't decide which cabinet hardware to use in his kitchen: brass, nickel, or chrome. he makes his choice by randomly picking a card from three cards—one for brass, one for nickel, and one for
chrome. jessica is taking part in a fruit-carving competition. to decide whether to carve apples, pumpkins, or watermelons, she spins a spinner with four equal sections —one for apples, one for pumpkins, and two for watermelons.

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