29.09.2021 • 

Determine the common ratio and the next 3 terms of the following geometric sequence. Write your answer on the space provided. Sample way to type the answer; r= 2 (space) n= 1, 2, 3
Note: Incase the answer is fraction type in this way: 1/2
then upload your solution at the end of the written work.

1. 972, 324, 108, …

2. -3, 12, -48, …

3. 0.1, 0.5, 2.5, …

4. 10 000, 1 000, 100, …

5. -4, 4, -4, ...

6. Type the first 2 terms of the geometric sequence having a1= 2 r= 4 Type in this way: n= 1, 2 (with space)

7. Type the first 2 terms of the geometric sequence having a1= 5 r= -1/3 Type in this way: n= 1, 2 (with space)

8. Find the nth term of the geometric sequence whose initial term a1 and common ratio r are given. Then find the indicated term of the sequence. a1= 3 r= 5 find 7th term. Type your answer in this way: an= 200 (with space)

9. Find the nth term of the geometric sequence whose initial term a1 and common ratio r are given. Then find the indicated term of the sequence. a1= 0 r= 4 find 30th term. Type your answer in this way: an= 200 (with space)

10. In the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, ... which term is 64? Type your answer in this way: 4th term (With space)


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