21.02.2020 • 

Determine the energy stored in the capacitor for all time. The energy stored in the capacitor for −[infinity] < t < 0 is 0 J. (Round the final value to the nearest whole number.) The energy stored in the capacitor for 0 ≤ t < 4 s is .4 t2 J. (Round the final value to one decimal place.) At t = 1 s, the energy stored in the capacitor is .4 J (to 2 decimal places). The energy stored in the capacitor for 4 ≤ t < 10 s is 32.4 – 1.8 t + .25 t2 J. (Round the coefficient of t2 to three decimal places and other values to one decimal place.) At t = 5 s, the energy stored in the capacitor is 29.65 J (to 2 decimal places). The energy stored in the capacitor for t > 10 s is 1.3 J. (Round the final value to one decimal place

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