19.02.2021 • 

Directions: Show all your steps as you solve the following problems. Round the solutions to the nearest hundredth if necessary. 7. On a 40‐point test, Steve received an 80%. How many points did he receive on the test?

8. Of the 8760 hours in a year, most televisions are on for 2190 hours. What percent is this?

9. The population of a town increased from 620 to 700. What is the percent of increase?

10. The population of a small town increased 23% from its population in 2000 to its population in 2003.
If the population of the town in 2000 was 25,314, what was its population in 2003?

11. To control his weight, Joel reduced his calorie intake from 2500 calories to 1950 calories each day. What was his percent of decrease for calorie intake?

12. The sales tax in Whittle City is 7%. How much tax is charged on a purchase of $53?

13. What is the simple interest on $2500 invested at an interest rate of 6% for 2 years?

14. Shawn earned a 5% commission on a $500 sale. How much did he earn?

15. Andrew measured the time it took for an apple to fall 50 feet as 1.95 seconds, but his calculations show that it should be 1.77 seconds. What was his experimental error?

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