16.12.2019 • 

Do college students who are in a fraternity or sorority attend more parties than college students who are not affiliated with a fraternity or sorority? a statistics class randomly selected 50 students who were in a fraternity or sorority and 50 students who were not affiliated with a fraternity or sorority and asked them to report how many parties they had attended in the past month. the following hypotheses were tested: h0: µ1 = µ2 ha: ? 1 > ? 2 analyses were run. the following is the (edited) output for the test: which of the following is an appropriate conclusion based on the output?

hypothesis test results: pries atiended by fraterniiy and sororiiy members μ2: parties attended by unaffiliated students df tap-value 2.65 0.697413965.281 3.7969 0.0003 difference sample mean std. err.df t-stat
a. the data do not provide sufficient evidence to reject the h0; thus, we can conclude that the mean number of parties attended by fraternity and sorority members is higher than those attended by unaffiliated students.
b. the data do not provide sufficient evidence to reject h0; thus, we cannot conclude that the mean number of parties attended by fraternity and sorority members is higher than those attended by unaffiliated students.
c. the data provide sufficient evidence to reject h0; thus, we can conclude that the mean number of parties attended by fraternity and sorority members is higher than those attended by unaffiliated students.
d. the data provide sufficient evidence to reject the h0; thus, we cannot conclude that the mean number of parties attended by fraternity and sorority members is higher than those attended by unaffiliated students.

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