26.02.2020 • 

Each front tire on a particular type of vehicle is supposed to be filled to a pressure of 27 psi. Suppose the actual air pressure in each tire is a random variable—X for the right tire and Y for the left tire, with joint pdf f(x,y) = K(x2 + y2) 20 ≤ x ≤ 30, 20 ≤ y ≤ 30 0 otherwise (a) What is the value of K? (Enter your answer as a fraction.) K = 3/380000 Correct: Your answer is correct. (b) What is the probability that both tires are underfilled? (Round your answer to four decimal places.) .430426 Correct: Your answer is correct. (c) What is the probability that the difference in air pressure between the two tires is at most 2 psi? (Round your answer to four decimal places.) .3593 Correct: Your answer is correct. (d) Determine the (marginal) distribution of air pressure in the right tire alone.

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