22.04.2021 • 

Flaming Hoop Jump of Awesome Daredevil Danny attempts the feat of jumping his motorcycle through the Flaming Hoop Jump of Awesome. In order for Daredevil Danny to pass through the hoop, he will need a safe path to travel. Let’s explore the parabolic trajectory that he will need for a safe journey.

In addition to the answers you determine, you will be graded based on the work you show, or your solution process. So, be sure to show all your work and answer each question as you complete the task. Type all your work into this document so you can submit it to your teacher for a grade. You will be given partial credit based on the work you show and the completeness and accuracy of your explanations.

Step 1: Analyze the graph.
Daredevil Danny takes a practice jump as shown on the graph below. Complete the steps to determine the equation for the parabolic trajectory of his practice jump.

What are the key aspects of any parabola? What do the key aspects tell you about the graph?

What are the key aspects of Daredevil Danny’s practice jump shown in the graph provided? Describe each value and how it is determined

Solve for the coefficient a in the vertex form for the parabola in Daredevil Danny’s practice jump using key aspects from step 1. As you solve for the coefficient, explain each step of the process in detail.

thank you for any help

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