15.12.2021 • 

Graphing Proportional Relationships. Graph each leg of Kiley’s trip with the time (in hours) along the x-axis and the distance (in miles) along the y-axis. First you will answer some questions below to find the correct coordinates to use for your graph.

(here are the distances to help you solve): Kiley and her parents traveled to visit her grandmother. They drove 24.3 miles from their house to the airport in hour. At the airport, they exited the car and walked for hour to the waiting area by the gate to board their plane. Their walk covered 1.2 miles. From the waiting area, they walked another 0.1 mile to board the plane. The plane left the gate 45 minutes after they arrived at the waiting area. The plane flew 346 miles in hours. After the plane landed, Kiley and her parents walked for 30 minutes, covering 1.1 miles, before they found a cab. It was a 15-minute cab ride to get to Kiley’s grandmother’s house, which was 12.3 miles away.

Part A

The starting coordinates of the graph will be (0, 0), or the origin. This point represents Kiley’s house. From here, if you drew a line segment that represents Kiley’s car ride from her house to the airport, at what point would the line segment end?

Part B

If you drew a line segment from the point when Kiley arrived at the airport to the point when she reached the waiting area near the gate, at what point would the line segment end?

Part C

If you drew a line segment from the point when Kiley reached the waiting area to the point when the plane took off, at which point would the line segment end?

Part D

If you drew a line segment from the point when Kiley’s plane took off to the point when she got off the plane, at which point would the line segment end?

Part E

If you drew a line segment from the point when Kiley got off the plane to the point when she got in a cab to go to her grandmother’s house, at which point would the line segment end?

Part F

If you drew a line segment from the point when Kiley got in the cab to the point when she reached her grandmother’s house, at what point would the line segment end?

Part G

Using the point you found in part F, divide the final y-coordinate by the final x-coordinate. What do you think the result represents? Explain.

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