01.03.2021 • 

Hello everyone! <3 Todays question: what is 1+1 :)

Okay, funny storytime! :D

So, one time when i was in 5th or 4th grade..my teacher said "partner up and work on the assignment." So i partnered up with my best friend/old crush. I was trying to keep it cool, so i just tryed to type in the password to the computer. Then He grabs the computer and started to spam letters on the Computer. I start to laugh and tell him to stop. He kept going. So the dum.b stupi.d idioti.c person i am :D. I start to GRAB HIS ARM AND STAB IT WITH A PENCIL. :) Then he just looks at me, and then his hand and then started to call me crazy and stuff like that :} Then once i got home, my mom asked me why i stabbed a guy in the hand with a pencil. I Explained the story and ofc i got in trouble(lol) my mom just started to say "why didn't you think?" And lectured me. I didn't really care about it. It was kinda small. And she wasn't that mad at me. But i was 11 or 10 :) i was stu.pid. Long story short, my crush/bff still was friends with me, but i did stab him very hard :( i felt bad and hung out with him all school day and ever since i still laugh every time i see or someone mentions a pencil :> i still wonder why i did that 0-0/ :))

Hello everyone! <3

Todays question: what is 1+1 :)
Okay, funny storytime! :D
So, one time when

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