25.06.2021 • 

HELP ASAP ILL GIVE A BRAINLIST TO THE CORRECT ANSWERS 1.Construct and describe a real-world situation that can be modeled by the equation 12x = 96. Solve the equation and explain what the solution means in this situation.

2.Given the formula for The Gas Law: PV = nRT. Katie tried to solve for the V variable in order to solve a problem. She rearranged the formula so that V = PnRT. Determine if Katie solved the equation correctly. If not, describe what mistake she made and solve the equation for V and justify your steps.

3.Construct an equation for the expression: -2 times a number increased by 6 is 12. Show the solution to the equation and prove your solution to be true through your work.

4.Mike works h hours in a week. To find his weekly pay he multiplies his hours by his pay of $24 per hour and adds $6 for his sales bonus. He's decided that he wanted to take one-sixth of his weekly pay and place it in his savings. Which simplified expression represents the amount that will go into his savings each week?

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