23.10.2020 • 

Hi, I am in quarantine and well here is the story. My CRUSH: Would you like to be my Valentine?

Me: Sure ( Blushing)

Narrirrator: valentines day was in two days. As the couple where so cute, someone was JELLY.
*The next day*

Troy ( Jelly person):Hey, He said he did not want to be your valentine, and it was all PRANK.

Me: Oh ok

NARRIRATOR: As the evening passed the little girl sat in her room and cried. On the other hand, her crush was told the same thing by troy. they where both sad, but her crush new something was up. So The girl walked in the class the next day, and there was, A teddy bear with a heart, and A box of chocolates with a note saying," Happy Valentines Day,"

Me: Omg, I did not get you anything, I thought you said.

My Crush: oh no it is ok.

Narrirrator: Inside Her crush was ashamed, he thought that what troy said was true. So he decided to not talk to her anymore. Although close to the end of the year, they got to play Fortnight together, and as he told her he was very sad. deep inside she was crying.

The End. I still have feelings for him. and this weekend I might get to call him. I have no clue what to say. I still feel bad, I think he got a new Girlfriend.

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