12.11.2020 • 

How do the two examples differ in their approach to similar subject matter? A. Example 1 points out the county's excessive December snowfall in
a detached way, while Example 2 makes the story relatable by
giving an impression of how the snow affected the county's

B. Example 2 presents Chester County's December snowfall in a
detached way, while Example 1 reveals how the snowfall affected
people's daily lives by touching the reader emotionally,

C. Example 2 gives an example of what excess snowfall looks like
in the community, while Example 1 predicts uture snowfall, which
connects to the reader emotionally.

D. Example 1 offers data about the snowfall lee to show how it
changed during the season, while Example 2 = plains in detail
what needs to be done about the issue.

How do the two examples differ in their approach to similar subject matter?

A. Example 1 points o

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