16.12.2021 • 

I came up with my escape plan Gingerbread Recipe
when I was just a ball of dough Step 1: Preheat the oven. It need to
I've heard the stories about my be a precise temperature which is
forefathers outsmarting whole
towns before being outfoxed by a
fox. I'm not getting chased this
The temperature contains the
following digits: 3, 3, 4, 4, and 5.
The recipe holds an important clue! Rounding the temperature to the
The oven temperature happens to nearest ten, you get 350.
be the same as the combination to
a lock where an important tool for Rounding the temperature to the
making gingerbread is kept. nearest hundred, you get 300.
The value of the first 3 in the
o temperature is 10,000 times
greater than the value of the
second 3 in the temperature.

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