13.11.2020 • 

I wrote a poem and I wanted to share it how do yall like it be honest... There are those days when there's no one to pick me up when I've fallen, there were those days when I had no one to hold my hand and guide me in the right direction, there are those days when I needed someone but there was no one, I've been betrayed, I've been hurt because there are those people who use you when we feel like you've found the right one but then they betray you in the most hurtful ways possible, but then there are the ones who stuck around through thick and thin and those are the ones that I trust and care about the most. When I've fallen, she's the one to pick me up, she holds my hand and guides me in the right direction, she's there for me when I needed it the most, she's never betrayed me, she's never hurt me, I've found the right one she won't hurt me in the most hurtful ways possible, she found a way to guide me in life, I trust her I love her, she's my best friend.

be honest and no copying I wrote it myself please don steal this from me

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