21.04.2021 • 

In mr stands music class 4/7 of students are girls of those girls 1/4 play the trombone the remaining girls plau the drums (part A)
What fraction of the students are girls who play the trombone

(Part B)
What fraction of the students are girls who play the drums

This is problem 1

Next problem: which question below can be answered using 5 divided by 1/2

A: it’s takes half a yard of ribbon to make a bow. How many bows can be made using 5 yards of ribbon

B: a baker is making croissants he has 5 pounds of dough each croissant is made from a half of a pound of dough how many croissants can he make

C: mark and jada shared 5 yards of yam equally how many yards will each person get

D: and auto installed a new automatic system to do paint jobs for cars the system can paint 5 cars in a half hour how long does it take to paint one car

E: janet has 5 cups of sugar if this is half the number she needs to make a cake how many cups does she need

This is problem 2

Answer both

In mr stands music class 4/7 of students are girls of those girls 1/4 play the trombone the remaini

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