02.04.2021 • 

In parts ​(a) through ​(e)​ below, mark the statement True or False. Justify each answer. ​(a) In some​ cases, a matrix may be row reduced to more than one matrix in reduced echelon​ form, using different sequences of row operations.
Is this statement true or​ false?
A. The statement is false. Each matrix is row equivalent to one and only one reduced echelon matrix.
B. The statement is false. For each​ matrix, there is only one sequence of row operations that row reduces it.
C. The statement is true. It is possible for there to be several different sequences of row operations that row reduces a matrix.
D. The statement is true. The echelon form of a matrix is always​unique, but the reduced echelon form of a matrix might not be unique.

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